Brands and Retailers

In a period of ever greater supply chain scrutiny and a growing demand for transparency, the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol sets a new standard in more sustainably grown cotton.

It is the only system that provides quantifiable, verifiable goals and measurement in six key sustainability metrics and article-level supply chain transparency. Together this represents one of the most ambitious and robust sustainability initiatives available.

Membership in the Trust Protocol will provide brands and retailers with: 


  • Opportunity to claim Protocol Consumption Units through the PCMS
  • Article-level full supply chain transparency

Environmental Data: 

  • Quantifiable, verifiable data against science-based goals for sustainably grown cotton
  • Ability to demonstrate commitment to continuous improvement regarding environmental impact
  • Member Data Report in addition to the program’s Annual Report


  • Toolkit for communications, storytelling and marketing 
  • Opportunity to hear from experts within sustainable agriculture and cotton production 
  • Membership showcased on Trust Protocol website and within communications about the program, including on social
  • Option to participate in strategic external communication opportunities 


The Protocol Consumption Management Solution (PCMS) is our traceability and transparency solution that allows the tracking of U.S. Cotton and cotton specifically grown on Protocol producers’ farms.

The result for brand and retailer members complete visibility of each stage of production, as well as absolute validation of the origin of the cotton fiber tracked into their finished products.

Member Pricing Structure

The U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol’s pricing structure for brands and retailers covers program membership and consumption of cotton tracked through the Protocol Consumption Management Solution (PCMS) at a rate determined by the member’s forecasted consumption for the current Protocol Year.* It is a turnkey, transparent pricing structure with no additional fees. 

Fees cover program administration and infrastructure with the aim of providing distributions back to Trust Protocol grower members.

Fee Pricing Structure

Fees are based on an annual membership fee* and a volume-based system for claiming Protocol Consumption Units.

Less than
$10 Million

Company Annual Revenues
$ 12,500 Annually

$10 to
< $50 Million

Company Annual Revenues
$ 25,000 Annually

$50 to
< $100 Million

Company Annual Revenues
$ 37,500 Annually

$100 Million
& Greater

Company Annual Revenues
$ 50,000 Annually

Cost Consumption Structure

Annual Cotton Consumption (MT) < 35% 36 to 70% 71 to 99% 100%
< 5,000 $8.50 $8.00 $7.25 $6.50
5,000 to 20,000 $7.50 $7.00 $6.25 $5.50
20,001 to 50,000 $6.50 $6.00 $5.25 $4.50
50,001 to 100,000 $5.25 $4.75 $4.00 $3.50
> 100,000 $4.00 $3.50 $2.75 $2.25

*Cotton tracked through the PCMS includes both Protocol Cotton and U.S. Cotton.
** Pilot phase fees are covered by the program.

The Climate Smart Cotton Program, led by the Trust Protocol, is a 5-year initiative aimed at improving the carbon footprint of the U.S. cotton industry. For brands and retailers, the program will support efforts to reduce GHG emissions and allow reporting against Scope 3 emissions reductions for cotton used in products. Click here to learn more.


We are proud to work with the following members.

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Access information about sustainable cotton and the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol.

Deepika Mishra

Standards and Data Lead (consultant)

Deepika Mishra is the Standards and Data Lead for the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol, acting as a consultant for the program. As an accomplished scientist and data analytics specialist, Deepika leads on analysis of the Trust Protocol’s environmental metrics. She collaborates extensively with agricultural research institutions, conservation groups, and food and trade organizations, playing a vital role in the establishment of sustainability and social standards within the industry.

Deepika earned her Ph.D. in plant and soil science from Texas Tech University, specializing in cotton breeding and genetics. With over a decade of experience, she has spearheaded diverse agricultural projects in both India and the United States, covering crops like cotton, cowpeas, castor, sesame, guar, guayule, tomato, and field pennycress (cover crop). Her contributions also include the development and release of multiple cowpea varieties in India during her M.S. studies in vegetable breeding and genetics.