Growers can receive financial support for up to three years by participating.
MEMPHIS, TENN (June 18, 2024) – The U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol announced that U.S. cotton growers can now enroll in Climate Smart Cotton Program Level 2. This program, led by the Trust Protocol, gives Level 1 growers the opportunity to receive additional financial support for implementing Climate Smart Practice Changes into their operations.
With implementation of Climate Smart Practice Changes, growers can be eligible to receive up to $45 per acre for three years.
- Qualify for $35/acre for three years if you plant any cover crop, single or mixed species for the first time in the past three years.
- Qualify for $5/acre if you begin to manage a field with no-till or strip-till farming practices for the first time.
- Qualify for $5/acre if you add your nutrient management plan information in addition to implementing a new cover crop or tillage practice.
“Participating in Level 2 of the Climate Smart Cotton Program gives growers the opportunity to de-risk the implementation and adoption of Climate Smart Agriculture practices,” said Charles “Chaz” Holt, U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol Director of Field Programs. “Additional practice options were also added this year increasing the number of growers eligible to participate in the level.”
To qualify for Level 2, growers must meet Level 1 requirements, adopt a new Climate Smart Agriculture practice, verify practice adoption, participate in soil health target setting, and quantify greenhouse gas emissions on all practice change acres.
Grower Enrollment Specialists are also available to help every step of the way. Email info@trustuscotton.orgto be connected with the representative for your region.
To learn more, visit
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About the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol
The U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol is the voluntary sustainability program for U.S. cotton growers and traceability platform for all U.S. Cotton. It is the only system that provides quantifiable, verifiable goals and measurement and drives continuous improvement in six key sustainability metrics – land use, soil carbon, water management, soil loss, greenhouse gas emissions, and energy efficiency. It is also the world’s first sustainable cotton fiber program to offer article-level supply chain transparency to all members.
The Trust Protocol is also proud to lead the U.S. Climate Smart Cotton Program, a 5-year, collaborative initiative that presents a transformative opportunity for cotton growers to enhance their profitability, operations, and environmental stewardship, all while contributing to the long-term viability of the U.S. cotton industry.
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